
The sky is overcast, merganser ducks float along the shore line,  swimming and ducking their heads in the water.  I could sit here all day gazing out the window but work must get done. Later I might permit myself to go for a cold dip in the lake but for now it's felting and more felting.  
There is such a stillness here.  It is a perfect place to find inspiration.  I have been working on some cutesie owls for next weekend's Handmade Harvest Craft Show and having so much fun.  As I felt away with a grin on my face I take pauses to sip my tea and look out the window. There is such beauty everywhere, the trees reflected in the water, the grey branches, naked of it's leaves.

Handwork is allows you to slow down. It's like a meditation.  The mind slows down as does the breath.  I love it's effects on me.

 These owls are fun to make.  They are a work of labour and love. I love felting the eyes because once the eyes appear they come to life with a little personality. 

Work in progress.

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