On Sunday, I leave for India and Thailand. I love my adventures abroad. They give me new perspective and the opportunity to photograph and write things that are different from my everyday life. In this way, I find inspiration and feel light of spirit, like a bird taking flight.
In India, I will meet Jay where we will be staying in an ashram, to immerse ourselves in meditation, and yoga, dip in the ganges and experience the beauty of chaos.
Thailand is like a second home to us and we will visit friends on the island of Koh Phayam and enjoy the warmth of the ocean and luxury of reading, writing and contemplating the beauty of our lives. I feel very grateful, that I have been able to organize my life, where I am able to live my passions.
Stay tuned for my stories from abroad. For now I leave you with these 2 photos of these 2 munchkins. A couple of weeks ago we went sliding 3 times in 1 week and we had so much fun!!!! Children are really a joy and I love growing right alongside them.