
Luna Girls


I am so excited!  Tara Porter and I have launched our new endeavor; Luna Girls. Luna Girls is geared for girls from 9-12 where we will do yoga, dance, theater and teach hand skills like knitting, sewing and felting.  We will also do adventures out into the forest to learn survival skills and plant identification.  We have so many ideas and so much passion for this project we might just burst.

Another great component that I am excited about is to get mothers and daughters to connect in a meaningful way. Having a daughter myself I feel the need to keep the doors of communication open and do fun things that promote confidence and good health.  As an adult yoga has been what grounds me in keeps me strong within myself.  I wish as a young girl I had been given this tool for everyday life. 

Growing up I didn't have much direction and I must say that it would have been nice to have had some guidance.  In todays world the media has such a strong influence on our children. I believe that it is up to us adults to help them navigate through this crazy world. Please have a look at our Luna Girls blog and pass on the info to anyone you think might be interested. 


inspired moments said...

i love it... will check out the blog. you are full of ideas... you are on a roll!!! and everything is so beautiful and from the heart. it's amazing. success!!!

Fine Hand said...

great you got this going Annie! you are so inspiring!